Musings on The Muse by Julian Shah-Tayler

Welcome to the sporadic and not entirely well considered spewing forth from my pen. Love to you!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wow. Thanks, LMNOP! /

Julian Shah-Tayler - Cotto Ergo Sum (Double CD, Impossible Things, Pop/rock)
Julian Shah-Tayler is a young man who has the potential to become a legendary superstar. Folks into 1980s music by artists like David Bowie and Peter Murphy will find a lot to love here. Mr. Shah-Tayler writes and records highly melodic, danceable, somewhat emotionally detached modern pop music. Julian writes, performs, produces, and records his music entirely by himself...and yet the songs have the punch and clarity usually associated with a full blown rock band. Songs are the real strength this man manages to come up with a mound of oughta-be hits. There's a lot to take in here...twenty-one tracks of classy, classic pop perfection. We can't help but think that Julian Shah-Tayler could push his career to the next level by making one teensie tiny move. We think this fellow should change his name to something more catchy and easy to remember. If he were to come up with the right name...we have no doubt his career would instantly skyrocket. Totally cool groove driven pop cuts include "Revolution," "Wetter" (this one is infectious), "Northern Light," "Show Me Your Soul," and "Lullabies." Cool stuff. Top pick.

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