Musings on The Muse by Julian Shah-Tayler

Welcome to the sporadic and not entirely well considered spewing forth from my pen. Love to you!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New youtube vid and some extra reviews

I have a couple more reviews trickling in from the "Coito Ergo Sum" album:

Also, I will be working with Justin Booty on a new Doctor Who fan version, where I think I am playing a bad regeneration from the future.... Silly but fun stuff, nonetheless.

Here is my review number 1:

Paul Pledger at ""

Categorizing artists, songwriters and musicians comes with reviewing territory, but Julian Shah-Tayler has mead an album of such bewildering depth and range, I've sort of given up trying to do so. Instead, I'll wade through the 21 songs (22 if you include the distorted extra track on disc one), without mentioning '80s pop, Brett Anderson (he looks a bit like him in one of the sleeve shots) or Dave Gahan (he sounds a bit like him on a few tracks - no really, he does).
What we have here are two discs, one called "Coito Ergo Sum", the other called "Mus Ogre Otioc", both bundled together as a limited-edition US release last year and finally due on these shores a full 12 months later. Whilst not a household name either side of the Atlantic, Shah-Tayler has been rubbing shoulders as a songwriter and performer with a few glitterati, including Macy Gray, Siobhan Fahey, Cut Copy and even multi-footwear collecting Imelda Marcos. Whilst this doesn't necessarily make for a pop career to us cynical Brits, I can conclude that this most cynical of writers (me) finds "Coito Ergo Sum" a rather intriguing prospect.
Disc one is the stronger of the two with memorable synth and analogue-pop in the shape of "Revolution", "Communication" and "Evaporate" and a stone-cold hit called "Beautiful World". In fact, there is little wrong with the rest of the first disc - it's a set of accomplished pop-songs dressed up with extravagant arrangements, without being as gaudy or pompous as Rufus Wainwright, excellent though he can be.
The accompanying second disc is less straight-forward, but does offer up some neat tunes, including "Christine", "(Melody) For You" and "Undefined", although the rest are little more than accomplished indie-pop - which is a rare thing, let me tell you. Part of me does think that there's a truly great 12-track album here, but Shah-Tayler has been a brave boy and attempted a double-CD - it's worth a punt.
Overall, I can heartily recommend most of "Coito Ergo Sum" and its accompanying reverse-titled freebie, a respectable assortment of rather enjoyable pop-music. Don't believe me? Check out the terrific "Lullabies", the last track on disc 2 - top music, top arrangement and top songwriting - this man means business. Shah-Tayler needs to get himself over to the UK soon.
Paul Pledger

And review number 2: in Dutch! from

Na een aantal ep-tjes op de markt te hebben gebracht is de in Los Angeles wonende singer-songwriter Julian Shah-Tayler nu op de proppen gekomen met een dubbel debuutalbum “Coito Ergo Sum” en “Mus Ogre Otioc” (de eerste titel achterstevoren geschreven). Hij gebruikt de elektronica in ruime mate in zijn songs, maar ook piano is een steeds weerkerend instrument in zijn werk.
In de voorbije jaren heeft Julian Shah-Tayler heel wat muziek gecreëerd voor soundtracks bij tv-series (‘The Sopranos’) en films (‘Penelope’ en ‘The Golden Age’). Daarnaast is hij de rechtmatige eigenaar van zo’n 300 originele songs en speelt hij avondvullende programma’s als dj in clubs over de hele wereld. Hij is al die tijd in de muziekwereld echter vooral achter de scène blijven werken, maar daar komt met deze eerste soloplaat zeker verandering in. “Coito Ergo Sum” bestaat uit 10 tracks, voornamelijk popsongs met funky elementen, synthesizers en drum machines die repetitieve ritmes lanceren waarop het geluid van elektrische gitaren en piano worden toegevoegd. Opener “Revolution” en “Wetter” hebben die funkelementen nadrukkelijk in de sound, terwijl nummers als “Beautiful World” en het dynamische “Say What You Want” veel meer als reguliere popsongs kunnen worden omschreven. Er is veel afwisseling waarneembaar in de tracks op deze cd: “Communication” en “Northern Light” (disco-songs) en “Saltwater” (ambient), “Electricity” en “Roman Tower 982” (popballads) hebben elk een geheel eigen muzikale stijl die de diversiteit in het werk van muzikale kameleon Julian Shah-Tayler enkel maar nadrukkelijker in de verf zetten. Qua stemgeluid doet hij ons een paar keer denken aan de jonge David Bowie, maar in de funky songs eigenlijk nog meer aan Prince.
Het tweede album “Mus Ogre Otioc” bestaat gelukkig niet uit dezelfde songs van de eerste cd in omgekeerde versie maar wel uit elf frisse nieuwe nummers. Onze favoriete songs uit deze tracklijst zijn openingsnummer “Christine” maar vooral disco-danslied “Show Me Your Soul” vinden wij totaal onweerstaanbaar dankzij zijn heerlijke ‘Cure’-gitaarriff.
Deze tweede cd is geen verzameling afdankertjes maar herbergt daarentegen nog enkele andere pareltjes met “Undefined”, het poppy “World Inside Your Mind” en “Butterfly”. Eén van de allermooiste liedjes op deze dubbelaar is het zeemzoete, intieme “(Melody) For You” dat we hitparadekansen willen toe-eigenen.
Julian Shah-Tayler is in de eerste plaats een kunstenaar met geluiden, melodieën en instrumenten, maar daarnaast ook één van de meest getalenteerde songschrijvers van deze eeuw die nu eindelijk de vruchten van zijn noeste arbeid zelf gaat plukken via de release van zijn eerste soloplaat. Het zal zeker niet zijn laatste worden, want zijn naam zal ook in de volgende jaren nog vaak terug opduiken. (valsam)

Translated by Babelfish: ????

After it is brought for having a number of ep-tjes on the market in loose Angeles living singer-songwriter the Julian Shah-Tayler now on shove has come with a double debut album Coito Ergo Sum and sparrow Ogre Otioc (the first title achterstevoren written).
He uses the elektronica largely in its songs, but also piano is an always returning instrument in its work. In the past years music for soundtracks at tv-series (`The Sopranos') and films has created Julian Shah-Tayler a lot (`Penelope' and `The applied Age').
Moreover he is the legitimate owner of such a 300 original songs and plays he avondvullende programme as a dj in clubs concerning the complete world. He is all that time in the music world however especially behind the scene continue work, but there enters with this first plateplate plate certainly change. Coito Ergo Sum exists from 10 tracks, mainly popsongs with funky elements, synthesizers and plays the drums machines which repetitieve launch rhythms on which the sound of electric jet ears is piano added and.
More open Revolution and for the have those funkelementen expressly in the sound, whereas numbers as Beautiful World and the dynamic Say What You because much more can be defined as regular popsongs. There is much alternation perceptible in the tracks on this cd: Communication and Northern Light (disco disco-songs) and Saltwater (ambient), Electricity and novel Tower 982 (popballads) have each an entirely own musical style which the diversity in the work of musical chameleon Julian Shah-Tayler put only but more expressly in painting. With regard to voice sound does us think he a couple time of the young David Bowie, but in the funky songs in fact still more of Prince.
The second album sparrow Ogre Otioc does not exist fortunately from the same songs of the first cd in reversed version but from eleven fresh new numbers. Our favoriete songs from these tracklijst is opening number Christine but especially disco danslied show me Your soul music find we totally irrisistibly thanks to its delicious `Cure'- gitaarriff.
This second cd is no collection casts-off but accommodates on the other hand the other pareltjes with Undefined, poppy still some World Inside Your Mind and Butterfly. One of the most beautiful songs on these dubbelaar is zeemzoete, intimate (Melody) For You that we want appropriate hit parade chances. Julian Shah-Tayler are in the first place an artist with sounds, melodies and instruments, but moreover of the most number songschrijvers also one of this century which will reap now at last the benefits of its noeste labour himself by means of the release of its first plateplate plate. It will become certain be last, because name also in the next years is still frequently will emerge. (valsam)